Wells Historical Society

Wells, Vermont 05774

Meeting Minutes

October 2, 2024

Our last meeting of 2024 began with a fantastic Harvest Supper beginning at 6:00 pm.  Fawn Montanye cooked the wonderful turkey and gravy.  Dishes of squash, beets, salad, mashed potatoes, and awesome desserts were included in our feast.

Our meeting began at 7:00 pm with the pledge of allegiance and thank yous to all our cooks and clean up helpers.

Last months minutes was read by secretary Trish Capron.  Minutes stood as read.  Treasurer’s report was read by treasurer Sharon Corey.  Bill Rozensky made motion to accept.  Laurel Gilman seconded the motion with all in favor.

New members joined us tonight as well as 28 members.

Photos and articles about Wells and Lake St. Catherine were on display.

20 local aprons were on display and labeled as to who they originally belonged to and the years they were used and who they belonged to now.  Thank you to all who displayed a local history.

Dates for 2025 meetings: April 2nd Pancake supper

June 4th Pot Luck supper

August 6th. Cookout supper

October 1st. Harvest supper

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm…Bill Rozensky made motion to adjourn, Doug Schlaefer 2nded motion.

Rrespectfully submitted

Trish Capron, Secretary