About Us
The Wells Historical Society has been a small but passionate group of Wells citizens since the 1970's. We have been collecting various items, photos, and oral histories for many years. We try to display as many of these as possible when we have our meetings. We meet 4 times a year (first Wednesday of April, June, August and October), and always begin our meetings with dinner, continuing with a brief meeting, and after which we have a historical program by local historians.
Currently we have about 30-35 members and are always looking for people, young and old, who cherish the past and are interested in sharing and preserving it.
Wells Historical Society welcomes donations of photos, personal
histories and artifacts of Wells. If you wish to put an artifact on loan to the Society, special care will be taken to handle it as carefully as possilbe.
information, call Joe Capron at (802) 645-0200
2025 Officers of the Historical Society are:
Joe Capron-President
Victoria Angis-Vice President
Trish Capron-Corresponding & Recording Secretary
Sharon Corey-Treasurer